Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Finished a second quilt block to donate to Anna Maria Horner's Rainbow Around the Block project.
Finished my flying geese quilt top which I'm happy with for the most part. I do find it interesting that the pattern I followed said the finished quilt makes a good crib quilt or throw. It is quite large...around 50 inches by 50 inches. I'd say good for taking naps under on my bed!

Also tried my hand at Martha Stewart's Honey Whole Wheat bread. Yummy and quite dense. Different in texture then last week's bread recipe but good nonetheless!

I hope the weekend treated everyone well!


Stacy Kraus McDonald said...

The quilt top looks great! And YUM to the bread!

Laura said...

Thanks friend! Bread is good. :-) Looking forward to some more quilting time this weekend.