Leave it to me to wait until the 11th hour...well, 10th actually to do a year end post. I am usually such a planner but this year things have seemingly been extra busy, thus this post coming 2 hours before 2011 comes to an end. I have been reflecting on the last year....the ups, the downs, the challenges, the successes and I've been blessed overall with a very good year.
Right about now I have the oldie "Calendar Girl" singing in my head..."January, we start the year off fine..February you're my little valentine..."Here we go!
In January I started the pickledish quilt-a-long. Sadly, I have only finished 1 block. Must work on this one in 2012!

In February, Lola really enjoyed her walks to the duck pond. Lovely weather...perfect for walking.

In February I also stitched this wee deer. I still haven't done anything else with him. Sad, I know. Must finish in 2012!

At some point in early 2011 I became a
Farmer's Wife!

I've completed 50 blocks at this point, and my progress has slowed. I haven't made any blocks in 2 months. Must get back on the horse, err quilt-a-long, in 2012! ;)

I spent another lovely year with 2 darling kitties. Here's Harry in March.

And Tex in April.

In May I went on a cruise with these fine fellas...

Yes, they were on the cruise! Not just a cardboard image of them ;)
In fact, here's one now....;)

I made new friends...

Yoga on the Lido deck with Jordan? Yes, please! :)

And I spent time with old friends in paradise.

In May I also did a little stitching...lest you think I only chased a boy band around ;).

At the end of May, on my way home from a lovely trip to Buffalo, my mom and I saw this double rainbow. First one I've ever seen. Lucky indeed.

The trip to Buffalo was so nice. Here's a shot of me and Lola downtown on Elmwood.

Everything was so green!

It was nice to see family while in town. We went for fish fry one night with aunts and cousins. Buffalo has the best fish fry!

While I was there, I admit I did see my favorite boy banders....;).

Just in case you think I only saw one band this summer, I assure you I did not! I took myself to see Taylor Swift in June. It was just me and a bunch of screaming pre-teens, with some parents. But it was a great time!

In July, I readjusted my priorities again and saw NKOTBSB together. ;)

Of course I prefer NKOTB alone....just sayin'.

It was nice to see Susan in July to attend the concert at Amway Arena in Orlando. Good friends and good times indeed.

In August I turned another year older. It happens, I guess ;). Mom made me a great cake. Thanks mom!

Later in August I made a trip up to Boston and a good friend met me there. It was such lovely weather and such fun wandering around the Commons and Garden.

*GASP* A finished object!! I sewed up this Sherbet Pips quilt in September. I love the way it turned out! I decided to list it in my shop....though I was tempted to keep it!

In October I got into making apple pies. I must have made 3 or 4. Yummy.

In November I started

Sadly, I've only made 1 block. This one is definite must finish in 2012!

Still with me? We're coming to the end of the post. Cheers if you're still reading!
In November I flew to Detroit to see who other than my teenage dream. It was a fantastic time. I saw a new-ish friend, and made some new friends. Here we are at the after partay....

And it wouldn't be right to not include
the man himself. ;)

2011 definitely had it's ups and downs but I like to focus on the ups. Yes, definitely the ups. I am so thankful for my family and friends, my health, and the opportunities I had in 2011. I made a big decision last year December to leave my job, and my current career field, and to go back to school. In January I started taking classes at our local state college, and then in July I started in the Dental Assisting program. I've learned a lot about myself, made new friends, and acquired new skills in a field that I never dreamed I would be interested in, let alone pursue. For all this I am thankful.
My journey continues in 2012 as I finish school in June, and finalize plans to move. More school is quite possibly in my future as I feel myself drawn to dentistry. More to come!
For now, thank you dear readers for visiting this space. I truly appreciate the comments more than you know! I wish you all the best in 2012.
My Heart is ravisht with delight,
when thee I think upon;
All Grief and Sorrow takes the flight,
and speedily is gone;
The bright resemblance of thy Face,
so fills this, Heart of mine;
That Force nor Fate can me displease,
for Old long syne.
Old Long Syne by James Watson 1711
Happy New Year!