Saturday, October 6, 2012

Moving Day

The day is here! I got the job I interviewed for a few weeks ago, and today I am moving! Yesterday was spent loading the boxes into the truck and we start the drive to New York today. I'll be driving the car with my two cats...wish me luck! ;)

I'll be back in this space once I get settled and start my sewing once again.

Have a great weekend! 


vintage grey said...

Congratulations!! So excited for you! Happy weekend to you and safe driving! xo Heather

Miki said...

OMG! Congrats on your new job and on moving!!! :D I'm having a job interview this Friday, I really hope I get it!

Best luck traveling with the kitties! And be back soon to tell us how everything went! ;D


Miki said...

Hi, Laura! how did everything go? Do you love your new home? Did the kitties get used to it yet? ;)

Have a fun weekend! ;D