I know there could be worse addictions, so all things considered, quilting is a harmless addiction. Unless that is, you are running out of time to do it all!
Below are this week's FWQAL blocks. Yep, I did 4 over the past week and a half. I jumped ahead. I couldn't help it. The more I make, the more I want to keep on making them! At this rate I'll surely have all 111 blocks finished by 2012. Not that there's a deadline....;)

Since I'm following along with the order in the book, I completed 9, and 10 below.
Box and
Here's the I.Can't.Help.Myself.Part. I continued with blocks 11 and 12.
Broken Dishes (on the lower right) and
Broken Sugar Bowl (on the left).

Oooh! I can hardly wait until the quilt top is ready to be pieced!

Of course I just *had* to start some new 12 inch blocks....for another quilt. I have had a bunch of feedsack prints in my stash for some time, waiting to be used. I knew I wanted to make a quilt with them. So I searched the net for some free quilt block patterns, and settled on this block called
Baby Bud. They go together pretty fast and being 12 inches square, I only need to make roughly 49 to make a nice sized quilt. So, yay!

My Dahlia plant is coming along nicely. I'm so excited to see it growing up so quickly. Yay for flowers this summer!

This post is brought to you by
Harry. He tends to be the inspector of my projects. Always jumping up on my cutting table or hanging out next to my sewing machine.

Happy July 4th Peeps! I hope you all have a splendid holiday!