I took off Thursday and Friday last week from work and it was nice to have an extra long weekend. I made good use of the little bit of extra time and finished the remainder of the quilt blocks I need for my quilt top. On Saturday I sewed all 24 blocks together and got this:
I did not use any particular pattern, or plan. I simply strip pieced 12 inch squares and then chose them at random to sew together. I plan on adding a yellow border to it but for now I am beyond happy with how it turned out! For the photo I turned the top horizontally as to better clip it to the clothelines. I know, we are a no frills photo studio here at Chez Swing Kitten! Hopefully this week one day after work I will have time to put on the border.
Saturday I was pleased as punch to receive 2 vintage purchases in the mail. The first is this oh-so-charming vintage pattern. Just in time for some spring/summer sewing! I plan to sew up the short sleeved version. I purchased this pattern from a great Etsy seller estateofmind.
Great shop and sweet shop owner!
As if the weekend wasn't swell enough, I went to the Sabres vs. Panthers game last night in Sunrise. A great time was had by all and Buffalo took the game. Let's Go Buffalo!